View Full Version : Ontdekking met nanotechnologie?

25 april 2008, 13:17
Mischien is het iets, mischien is het niks. In ieder geval zeggen ze niet al te veel :confused:


Published: April 25, 2008
The world looks a lot different at Luna nanoWorks on Bridge Street. There, scientists toil in the emerging field of nanotechnology, working with the molecules of substances to help develop new products. Along the way, they may have found a new treatment for baldness.

“One of our new nanomedicine prototypes, after only two weeks of treatment, was found to increase the number of hair follicles fourfold in mice which are born genetically hairless,” Robert Lenk, president of Luna’s nanoWorks division, said in a news release.

Since attracting Luna nanoWorks to Danville in March 2004, the city has tried to entice other nanotechnology companies to locate here. By coincidence, the Danville Science Center currently has an exhibit about nanotechnology called, “Too Small to See.” This is a great time for local people to learn more about nanotechnolgy’s promise.

It’s worth pointing out that Luna’s scientists weren’t trying to find a treatment for baldness, they were trying to find treatments for diseases.
Luna nanoWorks, as well as the Institute for Advanced Learning & Research, are vital parts of the Dan River Region’s economic development plan because of the research conducted at both facilities.

One of the hopes is that research done at the Institute and Luna nanoWorks will eventually lead to new products that can be manufactured here. We’ve certainly had lots of experience building things that were discovered and developed elsewhere. What if some great new idea — or more to the point, lots of great new ideas — could jump from a local laboratory to a local factory?

That’s getting ahead of Luna’s good news. The new local economy is less than a decade old, and Luna nanoWorks’ research has a long way to go.
“What we have uncovered thus far is extremely exciting because it sheds new insights into the underlying processes responsible for keeping hair follicles healthy,” Lenk said in the release. “… These new results reveal that the balance can be tipped towards promoting follicle growth in hairless mice. Our hope is this discovery may eventually translate into a new class of medicines promoting hair growth in people who are balding.”

If that happens, people suffering from hair loss won’t be the only ones with something to cheer about. Luna nanoWorks’ recent hair loss discoveries are not only promising for the company, but exciting for the entire community.

26 april 2008, 14:04
Het zou niet de eerste keer zijn dat een medische oplossing per ongeluk wordt ontdekt. Het is natuurlijk ff afwachten of het daadwerkelijk werkt, en zo ja, hoe lang het duurt voordat het ook daadwerkelijk kan worden toegepast, maar als ik het zo lees zou het zomaar eens de oplossing kunnen zijn...en niet alleen voor AGA (good news for me)

Maar ik vraag me wel af hoe het werkt, en of het alleen voor restoratie zorgt, of harverlies ook stopt. Voor mij persoonlijk zou het eerste genoeg zijn, maar voor de meesten hier niet.

26 april 2008, 16:22

staan ook 2 foto's bij

Laten we hopen dat dit eindelijk ontwikkelt naar haargroeimiddel