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4 februari 2009, 13:54
New Hair Loss Treatment with BOTOX

Botox has been used for everything from anti-aging, wrinkle busting to treating migraine headaches. But hair loss? A recent study shows Botox, injected along with a customized vitamin cocktail 2-3 times per year may make baldness a thing of the past. http://www.prweb.com/images_v4/quote_left.gif With my patients these BOTOX® and vitamin injectionsfor baldness have been very safe and more effective than anything I have seen before (http://www.epione.com/) http://www.prweb.com/images_v4/quote_right.gif
Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB (http://www.prweb.com/)) February 4, 2009 -- Preliminary findings have shown that BOTOX® (http://www.epione.com/botox) injections into the scalp may effectively delay hair loss and even prevent baldness. Dr. Simon Ourian, Medical Director of Epione (http://www.epione.com/), an internationally recognized Aesthetic Dermatology destination in Beverly Hills, has tested and refined the treatment over a period of three years with volunteer patients. Dr. Ourian is now confident in the effectiveness of the treatment and offering it to his patients.

Dr. Ourian performing Botox injections

It is important to realize that baldness is not a medical disorder; it is a condition by which hair follicles under the scalp shrink to the point where they no longer generate replacement follicles. Since each follicle typically regenerates every 2-6 years, baldness is a slow but continual physiological process that results in patches of baldness on the scalp connecting with other patches to form a hairline. Dr. Ourian notes that participating in an effective hair loss treatment is a personal decision involving many factors including cost, possible benefits and convenience. The prospective patient looking for ways to treat hair loss has more choices now than at anytime in history. Medicine currently offers two distinct forms of hair loss treatments. There is the prescription medication route, which usually involves Minoxidil (Rogaine (http://www.epione.com/botox--vitamin-hair-replacement)) or Finasteride (Propecia (http://www.epione.com/botox--vitamin-hair-replacement)) and can be a very cost-effective hair loss remedy. Rogaine, a solution applied directly to the scalp, slows down hair loss and in some cases can actually grow new hair. Propecia, on the other hand, does not in most cases grow new hair, but has proved even more effective, especially if detected early, in slowing down and stopping the rate of hair loss. Surgical baldness treatments such as Hair Transplantation, are also a viable option, but are more expensive than Botox injections or prescription medications.
Dr. Ourian discovered the apparent hair loss prevention properties of BOTOX® while treating his own mother for debilitating headaches, a side effect of chemotherapy treatments she was receiving at the time. Citing studies conducted by Allergan, the manufacturer of BOTOX®, indicating that BOTOX® could be used effectively to relieve migraines and having experienced first-hand the appreciation of patients relieved from the agony of years of suffering from migraine headaches by virtue of BOTOX® scalp injections, Dr. Ourian hoped to provide that same relief to his mother, After Dr. Ourian injected his mother's scalp with BOTOX® not only did her headaches diminish but her hair follicles, damaged by the chemotherapy, began to re-grow in the areas surrounding the injections.
''Of course, I was happily surprised by the result,'' said Dr. Ourian, ''so I decided to share this discovery with several of my regular patients. Because hair loss is a significant source of insecurity for many people, both men and women, there was no shortage of volunteers with thinning hair. The results for many were astonishing, and for some, a single session yielded dramatic results.''
"With my patients these BOTOX® and vitamin injections (http://www.epione.com/botox--vitamin-hair-replacement)for baldness have been very safe and more effective than anything I have seen before," says Dr. Ourian.
Typical side effects of the scalp treatments were those normally associated with BOTOX® injections (temporary swelling, pain, bruising, etc). In an effort to increase the efficacy of the treatments, Dr. Ourian added a cocktail of vitamins generally known to stimulate hair growth to the BOTOX® injections. These injections appeared to improve the tissue environment surrounding the hair follicles by reducing scalp tension and improving blood flow.
Dr. Ourian's Epione Medical Corporation, located in Beverly Hills Golden Triangle, is among the most comprehensive and state-of-the-art laser and aesthetic surgery centers. Dr. Ourian has been a pioneer for laser technology and non-invasive aesthetic procedures such as BOTOX®, Restylane, Radiance and Sculptra. These treatments are used for correction or reversal of a variety of conditions such as acne, acne scars, skin discoloration, wrinkles, stretch marks, varicose veins, unwanted hair, and tattoos, cellulite, and tens of others. For further information please contact 800-828-6466 or visit www.epione.com (http://www.epione.com/).

4 februari 2009, 19:55
Ik heb nog even gekeken op zijn website, en dit is hetgeen hij erover schrijft. Wat vinden jullie ervan.

Botox® / Vitamin Hair Replacement


It is important to realize that baldness is not a medical disorder; it is a condition by which hair follicles under the scalp shrink to the point where they no longer generate replacement follicles. Since each follicle typically regenerates every 2-6 years, baldness is a slow but continual physiological process that results in patches of baldness on the scalp connecting with other patches to form a hairline.

Vitamin Hair Replacement

Minoxidil (Rogaine) or Finasteride (Propecia). Surgical baldness treatments such as Hair Transplantation, are also a viable option, but are more expensive than Botox injections or prescription medications.

Side Effects

Typical side effects of the scalp treatments were those normally associated with BOTOX® injections (temporary swelling, pain, bruising, etc).

Cost of Vitamin Hair Replacement:

Lower bound: $500
Upper bound: $7,000
National average: $4,000


BOTOX® injections coupled with injections of a cocktail of vitamins generally known to stimulate hair growth appear to improve the tissue environment surrounding the hair follicles by reducing scalp tension and improving blood flow.

4 februari 2009, 21:13
Minoxidil (Rogaine) or Finasteride (Propecia). Surgical baldness treatments such as Hair Transplantation, are also a viable option, but are more expensive than Botox injections or prescription medications.Hij heeft natuurlijk gelijk, een HT is duurder dan finasteride of minoxidil. Maar of Botox een even 'viable option' is waag ik te betwijfelen.

Maar ik laat me graag overtuigen. Als ik ooit mijn frons laat gladtrekken met botox, dan wil ik immers geen doorgroeiende wenkbrauwen krijgen :)