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15 november 2003, 21:58
What tissues produce 5 alpha reductase enzymes

There are two types of 5 alpha reductase enzyme each coded by a separate gene and each produced by different tissues. The diagram below shows the general tissue distribution of Type I and type II 5 alpha reductase. Although both may be important in pattern baldness development, type I 5 alpha reductase may be more important because it is highly active in scalp skin and hair follicle sebaceous glands.

Contrary to popular belief, low levels of type II 5 alpha reductase have been observed in the outer root sheath of scalp hair follicles. So local activity of both type I and type II 5 alpha reductase can contribute to androgenetic alopecia development.

15 november 2003, 21:59
How much dihydrotestosterone is produced by each of type I and type II 5 alpha reductase

The enzyme 5 alpha reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and it is DHT that is most potent in promoting androgenetic alopecia. The are at least two 5 alpha reductase isoenzymes, type I and type II. They are active in different regions of the body, but they both produce DHT that can circulate throughout the body and exert effects in organs other than that where the DHT was produced.

Type II 5 alpha reductase is the most active enzyme form. It produces 60% to 70% of the total DHT in our bodies. Type produces the remaining 30% to 40% of DHT.

This means that 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, promoted as treatments for androgenetic alopecia, should ideally block both types of isoenzyme to have maximum effect. Finasteride is only a type II 5 alpha reductase inhibitor and so can only reduce DHT levels by at most 70%. Some experimental dual type I and type II 5 alpha reductase inhibitors have been shown to reduce DHT levels by up to 95% after a single oral dose.

16 november 2003, 09:44
Thnx pinda duidelijke info!

1 december 2008, 10:31
Help! Op advies van een kennis gebruik ik het middeltje Oenobiol dat 5 alpha-réductol bevat. Dat zou perfect werken tegen haaruitval. Ik probeer het maar. Ben pas 2 wkn bezig, dus kan nog niets zeggen.
Maar is deze werkzame toevoeging hetzelfde als 5AR? Dan kan ik namelijk beter stoppen :)

1 december 2008, 11:18
5 alpha-réductol? Ik weet het niet hoor. Het is duidelijk geen 5 alpha reductase, want dan hadden ze het zo wel genoemd. Misschien is het gewoon een naam die het goed doet voor reclame ... klinkt als, dus zal wel ...