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Oud 26 oktober 2003, 15:10   #1
pindakaas the 2nd.
pindakaas's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 28 juni 2003
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Kruiden, vetten en thee imiteren werking Finasteride

Voor de thee-leuters onder ons....

Kruiden, vetten en thee imiteren werking Finasteride

Onderzoekers uit Chicago hebben ontdekt dat stoffen in groene thee en kruiden, maar ook een bepaald soort onverzadigde vetten, de huid beschermen tegen DHT. Voor een deel komt dat omdat ze verhinderen dat testosteron omzet in DHT.

De onderzoekers deden hun proeven bij gecastreerde hamsters. Ze smeerden een stukje huid in met testosteroncreme. Het bewuste stukje verkleurt bij niet-gecastreerde hamsters donker door testosteron en het weefsel daarachter groiet in omvang. Vervolgens smeerden op de behandelde stukjes verschillende natuurlijke stoffen, om te zien of daar iets bij zat dat het effect van de androgenen op de huid blokkeerde.

De meeste onderzochte stoffen remmen het enzym 5alpha-reductase, dat testosteron omzet in 5alpha-dihydrotestosteron of DHT. Dat gold bijvoorbeeld voor gamma-linolzuur, de aromatische kruidenverbindingen alizarine en curcumine en een stel flavonoïden in groene thee, zoals (-)-epicatechine-3-gallaat en (-)-epigallo-catechine-3-gallaat.

Niet voor de hand lag dat andere thee-componenten, zoals (-)-epicatechine and (-)-epigallocatechine, geen invloed hebben op de vorming van DHT, maar toch de weefselgroei achter het stukje huid voorkwamen. De onderzochte stoffen werken dus op meer manieren. Welke? Daar hebben de onderzoekers niet naar gekeken.

De onderzoekers denken dat dit soort middelen de huid zouden kunnen beschermen tegen hoge testosteronspiegels. Vooral sporters zullen veel interesse in een dergelijk product hebben. Het grote voordeel van de nog te ontwikkelen zalf is dat de effecten van DHT-remmers strikt beperkt bleef tot de stukjes behandelde huid. Bij veel andere zalven voor anabolengebruikers, zoals Accutane, is dat wel eens anders…






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Oud 26 oktober 2003, 18:07   #2
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ugh's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 maart 2002
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Bij veel andere zalven voor anabolengebruikers, zoals Accutane
Accutane in topical form? Nooit van gehoord, alleen oraal zover ik weet. En wordt zover ik weet niet gebruikt door anabolen gebruikers maar mensen met zware acne. Naast het acne verminderende effect, heeft accutane zover ik weet alleen maar nadelen.

Ik ben ook van plan Groene thee te gaan gebruiken. Moet het nog een beetje uitzoeken.

Hier een post van DumphuiZ van http://www.dutchbodybuilding.com/for...ht=groene+thee
Ik heb deze informatie at random van internet geplukt (o.a. ergogenics) en er kunnen dus onwaarheden in staan. Toch ben ik van overtuigd dat de meeste informatie valide is. Voel je vrij om onwaarheden hier uit te filteren . Toevoegingen zijn welkom.

1. Wie regelmatig groene thee drinkt, loopt minder risico op kanker, hoge bloeddruk en hart- en vaataandoeningen zoals angina pectoris (hartkramp), hartinfarcten en beroertes.

2. Groene thee stimuleert de spijsvertering en het afweersysteem, en heeft bovendien een antibiotische werking tegen virussen en schimmels.

3. Uitwendig gebruikt beschermt groene thee onze huid tegen gifstoffen in het milieu en tegen de felle zon; daardoor is de theeplant - wat maar weinig mensen weten - niet meer weg te denken uit de huidverzorgingsproducten van de cosmetica-industrie.

4. Het maakt het ons makkelijker te ontspannen en toch alert te zijn; het vergroot de opmerkzaamheid, het concentratievermogen en het creatieve denken.

5. Groene thee die cafeïne bevat blijkt de hoeveelheid energie die mannen hebben over een periode van 24 uur langzamer te kunnen doen afnemen.

6. Groene thee versterkt kraakbeen in gewrichten.

7. Groene thee is een uitstekende insulinebooster die na de training het effect van het koolhydraatladen versterkt. Deze thee maakt menselijke cellen vijftien keer gevoeliger voor insuline dan normaal. De duur hiervan is maximaal 4 uur.

8. Groene thee versnelt de afbraak van oestrogenen.

9. Groene thee zit boordevol anti-oxidanten.

10. Groene thee laat de lever meer vet verbranden.
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Oud 26 oktober 2003, 20:30   #3
Alle beetjes helpen!
Uitgeblust's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 14 augustus 2002
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Allereerst drink je thee en gebruik (?) je het niet. Daarnaast kan ik me van me lessen biologie herinneren dat vetten niet door de lever worden verbrand, maar d.m.v. het emulgeren van vetten met behulp van galsap (?). De functie van de lever is het filteren van giftige stoffen, als dit niet mogelijk is dan slaat ie deze stoffen op (bijvoorbeeld zware metalen). Verder kan ik er niks meer aan toevoegen. Groene thee moet je niet als dwangmiddel drinken, maar gewoon dagelijks van genieten ...
Current regimen:
- Propecia (1mg finasteride op di/do/za, geen generieke tabletten, sinds 08/2003)
- Minoxidil 5% (officieel merk Rogaine, éénmaal daags 's avonds op de droge hoofdhuid, sinds 01/2005)

Resultaat tot nu toe: vergreet hergroei, ga voor behoud.

Laatste update: 16-07-2007

Leeftijd: 24 | Norwood schaal: II | Kosten: ca. € 45,- maandelijks

Klik: veel gestelde vragen!
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Oud 26 oktober 2003, 20:34   #4
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ugh's schermafbeelding
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Groene thee kan gedronken worden, topisch gebruikt worden en in pil vorm ingenomen worden.
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Oud 26 oktober 2003, 23:22   #5
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Geregistreerd: 24 oktober 2003
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Originally posted by ugh
Groene thee kan gedronken worden, topisch gebruikt worden en in pil vorm ingenomen worden.
Ok dus thee zetten af laten koelen en dan op je hoofd druppelen? euhhhhh? verklaar je nader.
Finasteride 1,25mg (1/4 Proscar)
Minoxidil 5% (Kirkland Signature) (3x p wk)
Multivit. (Etos)
Rooscure Shampoo (3x p wk)
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Oud 26 oktober 2003, 23:37   #6
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Originally posted by opzichgoed
Ok dus thee zetten af laten koelen en dan op je hoofd druppelen? euhhhhh? verklaar je nader.

Zou dus ook in creme vorm beschikbaar kunnen zijn.

Of het effect heeft op je haren is een andere vraag
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Oud 27 oktober 2003, 02:52   #7
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ugh's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 maart 2002
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Op hairsite forum is niet echt veel te vinden over Green Tea Extract, maar op http://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/ is juist weer erg veel te vinden.

Green Tea
Mechanisms of cancer and hairloss prevention by tea polyphenols based on inhibition of TNF-alpha expression.
Suganuma M, Sueoka E, Sueoka N, Okabe S, Fujiki H. - Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan.

Of greatest interest to those with androgenetic alopecia is evidence that Green Tea can influence serum concentrations of hormones and inhibit TNF-a. Research in this area is primarily with reference to hormonal effects on the development of cancer and how Green Tea and other caffeine containing products might mediate changes in hormone levels. For example, high intake of Green Tea has been associated with higher levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SBHG) and lowered levels of serum estradiol (estrogen) concentration in women (Nagata 1998). Increased SBHG may be of help in reducing the effects of androgenetic alopecia. SBHG is a molecule that binds with high affinity to testosterone. Testosterone bound to SBHG is not bioactive and cannot bind to androgen receptors or be converted into dihydrotestosterone. An increase in SBHG concentration effectively reduces free testosterone. Green Tea may also have an affect on the type I 5 alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. These two distinct, but complementary, effects of Green Tea may influence androgenetic alopecia.

One cup of Green Tea roughly equals 50 mg of tea catechins. Typically research investigations have involved individuals drinking six cups of Green Tea, or utilizing Green Tea Extracts (300mg or more catechins) each day. Green Tea is well tolerated by most individuals with no significant side effects reported.

"Mechanisms of cancer and hairloss prevention by tea polyphenols based on inhibition of TNF-alpha expression." Suganuma M, Sueoka E, Sueoka N, Okabe S, Fujiki H. - Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan.

Of greatest interest to those with androgenetic alopecia is evidence that green tea can influence serum concentrations of hormones and inhibit TNF-a. Research in this area is primarily with reference to hormonal effects on the development of cancer and how green tea and other caffeine containing products might mediate changes in hormone levels.

For example, high intake of green tea has been associated with higher levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SBHG) and lowered levels of serum estradiol (estrogen) concentration in women (Nagata 1998). Increased SBHG may be of help in reducing the effects of androgenetic alopecia. SBHG is a molecule that binds with high affinity to testosterone. Testosterone bound to SBHG is not bioactive and cannot bind to androgen receptors or be converted into dihydrotestosterone.

An increase in SBHG concentration effectively reduces free testosterone. green tea may also have an affect on the type I 5 alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. These two distinct, but complementary, effects of green tea may influence androgenetic alopecia.

One cup of green tea roughly equals 50 mg of tea catechins. Typically research investigations have involved individuals drinking six cups of green tea, or utilizing green Tea Extracts (300mg or more catechins) each day. green tea is well tolerated by most individuals with no significant side effects reported.
Er zijn in dat forum ook veel topics over topical Groene thee
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Oud 27 oktober 2003, 08:01   #8
NW 2-
Jaapie's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 24 juni 2003
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Originally posted by ugh
Accutane in topical form? Nooit van gehoord, alleen oraal zover ik weet. En wordt zover ik weet niet gebruikt door anabolen gebruikers maar mensen met zware acne. Naast het acne verminderende effect, heeft accutane zover ik weet alleen maar nadelen.
Jazeker accutane in creme vorm. Deze heef al die nadelen van de tabs niet. Accutane creme word veel gebruikt door mensen die anabole steroiden gebruiken. Sommige steroiden veroorzaken een enorme acne, en je hebt geen zin om naast de steroiden die tabs te nemen zodat je je lever extra belast.
Rogaine foam
Minoxidil 5%
HW-topical III
Multi vit / fibers / DHA+EPA


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Oud 28 oktober 2003, 13:16   #9
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Geregistreerd: 7 mei 2003
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Soja + groene thee = lager DHT

Combinatie van groene thee en sojaextract verlaagt DHT. Zie: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/q...&dopt=Abstract
Alopesan 400 2x daags
Plantina multivitamine
Rozemarijn tonic en shampoo
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Oud 28 oktober 2003, 13:22   #10
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ugh's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 maart 2002
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Verder schijnt dit ook goed te werken:
-Biotine (vitamine H/b7/b8)
-Grape Seed Extract (GSE)
-Zink en vit. B6

Ik ga vandaag ff MSM halen bij Kruidvat, daar hebben ze het erg goedkoop.
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Oud 28 oktober 2003, 15:37   #11
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Geregistreerd: 16 oktober 2003
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Waarin zit sojaextract??

Ugh.. Wat kan je kopen bij kruidvat waar de genoemde goedwerkend stoffen inzitten???
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Oud 28 oktober 2003, 17:54   #12
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Originally posted by Henk21
Waarin zit sojaextract??
Ugh.. Wat kan je kopen bij kruidvat waar de genoemde goedwerkend stoffen inzitten???
In de door mij bovengenoemde stoffen, zit geen sojaextract.

De stoffen zijn meestal los te koop. Biotine hebben ze meestal alleen bij vitamineshops, http://www.vitadvice.nl is erg goedkoop, vooral producten van het merk NOW.

Hier een overzicht van Kruidvat:
Bij Kruidvat hebben ze ook Druivenextract (die niet op die lijst staat). Deze Druivenextract is waarschijnlijk hetzelfde als "Grape Seed Extract". Ik weet niet of ze zink, b6, arginine hebben. Biotine iig niet, GTE ook niet (alleen normale groene thee, wat je in principe ook kan gebruiken dacht ik).

Zink/B6 gebruiken sporters dacht ik ook vaak als ZMA, misschien dat dat iets beter is.

Voor doseringen zou je moeten kijken op forums als Hairlosshelp. Van biotine gebruiken ze meestal 2.4mg, MSM iets van 1000 tot 5000gr.

FAQ over MSM: http://www.msm-msm.com/faq.html
(dus extra vit. C bij nemen)
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Oud 29 oktober 2003, 02:30   #13
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Geregistreerd: 7 mei 2003
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Verder schijnt dit ook goed te werken:
-Biotine (vitamine H/b7/b8)
-Grape Seed Extract (GSE)
-Zink en vit. B6

Ik ga vandaag ff MSM halen bij Kruidvat, daar hebben ze het erg goedkoop
Hoe kom je aan deze wijsheid? M.n. Arginine en Grape Seed Extract (niet hetzelfde als Druivenextract trouwens) interesseren me.
Alopesan 400 2x daags
Plantina multivitamine
Rozemarijn tonic en shampoo
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Oud 29 oktober 2003, 03:24   #14
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ugh's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 30 maart 2002
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ok, hier wat leesvoer

Grape Seed - (in this study procyanidin was extracted from apple but it is also main ingredient in GSE).
The first clinical trial of topical application of procyanidin B-2 to investigate its potential as a hair growing agent - Takahashi T, Kamimura A, Yokoo Y, Honda S, Watanabe Y.

Procyanidin B-2 is a compound we have identified in apple which acts as a growth-promoting factor on murine hair epithelial cells. This report describes our investigation of the hair-growing effects of 1% procyanidin B-2 tonic after sequential use for 4 months. A double-blind clinical trial was performed, involving a total of 29 subjects (procyanidin B-2, 19 men; placebo, 10 men). No adverse side effects were observed in either group. In the procyanidin B-2 group, 78.9% showed an increased mean value of hair diameter, whereas only 30.0% in the placebo group showed any increase (p < 0.02, Fisher's exact probability test). The increased ratio of hairs measuring more than 40 microm in diameter after 4 months of procyanidin B-2 treatment was significantly higher than that of the placebo controls (p < 0.05, two-sample-t-test). The increase in number of total hairs in the designated scalp area (0.25 cm(2)) of procyanidin B-2 subjects after a 4 month trial was significantly greater than that of the placebo controls (procyanidin-B-2, 3.67 +/- 4.09 (mean +/- SD)/0.25 cm(2); placebo, -2.54 +/- 4.00/0.25 cm(2); p < 0.001, two-sample t-test).

Procyanidin B-2 therapy shows potential as a promising cure for male pattern baldness.
Proanthocyanidins from grape seeds promote proliferation of mouse hair follicle cells in vitro and convert hair cycle in vivo.

Takahashi T, Kamiya T, Yokoo Y.

Tsukuba Research Laboratories, Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ibaraki, Japan.

For the purpose of discovering natural products which possess hair growing activity, we examined about 1000 kinds of plant extracts concerning growth-promoting activity with respect to hair follicle cells. After an extensive search, we discovered that proanthocyanidins extracted from grape seeds promote proliferation of hair follicle cells isolated from mice by about 230% relative to controls (100%); and that proanthocyanidins possess remarkable hair-cycle-converting activity from the telogen phase to the anagen phase in C3H mice in vivo test systems. The profile of the active fraction of the proanthocyanidins was elucidated by thiolytic degradation and tannase hydrolysis. We found that the constitutive monomers were epicatechin and catechin; and that the degree of polymerization was 3.5. We demonstrated the possibility of using the proanthocyanidins extracted from grape seeds as agents inducing hair growth.

PMID: 9833041 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane)
A recent, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial, performed by Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., showed that 100% of the subjects on MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane), a nutritional supplement that provides biologically active sulfur, showed increased hair growth compared to the group on placebo. Only one subject on placebo showed an increase in hair length. In addition, 30% of the subjects on MSM showed improvement in hair brilliance, while none of the subjects on placebo showed such an improvement. A second double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial, conducted simultaneously, showed that 50% of the subjects on MSM showed increased nail length and nail thickness growth compared to the group on placebo. Approximately 10% of those on placebo showed increased nail length growth. None of the subjects on placebo showed an increase in nail thickness. Cathleen London, M.D., a Boston-based family practitioner, said “I have been prescribing MSM for my patients experiencing pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia, and they kept saying how great their hair and nails looked. It’s good to see an efficacy study confirm that there are benefits in this area.” Pure MSM was used in both studies.

Based on the results of the trials, Dr. Lawrence concluded: “Oral supplementation with MSM is a valuable addition to hair and nail growth. Hair and nail health was significantly improved in a short term of six weeks. If the trials were continued for eight to sixteen weeks, the results would have been even better for those on MSM.” The hair trial involved a total of 21 patients — 5 women and 16 men. Data was collected by certified cosmetologists under the direction of Dr. Lawrence. The trial parameters included hair length, brilliance, and diameter of the individual hair shafts using industry standard measurement scales. The nail trial involved a total of 11 subjects — 10 women and 1 man. Again, data was collected by certified cosmetologists. Trial parameters included nail length, thickness, luster and general appearance using industry standard measurement scales. “All subjects supplemented with MSM were duly impressed with the changes in the health and appearance of their hair,” said Dr. Lawrence. “The cosmetologists literally could differentiate which participants were on MSM by the appearance of the hair, alone, after six weeks.”
Green Tea
Mechanisms of cancer and hairloss prevention by tea polyphenols based on inhibition of TNF-alpha expression.
Suganuma M, Sueoka E, Sueoka N, Okabe S, Fujiki H. - Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan.

Of greatest interest to those with androgenetic alopecia is evidence that green tea can influence serum concentrations of hormones and inhibit TNF-a. Research in this area is primarily with reference to hormonal effects on the development of cancer and how green tea and other caffeine containing products might mediate changes in hormone levels. For example, high intake of Green tea has been associated with higher levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SBHG) and lowered levels of serum estradiol (estrogen) concentration in women (Nagata 1998). Increased SBHG may be of help in reducing the effects of androgenetic alopecia. SBHG is a molecule that binds with high affinity to testosterone. Testosterone bound to SBHG is not bioactive and cannot bind to androgen receptors or be converted into dihydrotestosterone. An increase in SBHG concentration effectively reduces free testosterone. Green tea may also have an affect on the type I 5 alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. These two distinct, but complementary, effects of green tea may influence androgenetic alopecia.

One cup of green tea roughly equals 50 mg of tea catechins. Typically research investigations have involved individuals drinking six cups of green tea, or utilizing Green Tea Extracts (300mg or more catechins) each day. Green tea is well tolerated by most individuals with no significant side effects reported.
An examination of the effect of Biotin on alopecia and hair quality.

Floersheim GL, Dermatologie FMH, Rennweg 15,CH-4052 Basel; Switzerland.Zeitschrift fur Hautkrankheiten. Vol 67(3) (pp 246-252+255), 1992.

The effect of a daily oral dose of 2,5 mg Biotin was studied in 93 patients with the symptoms hair-loss (mostly androgenetic alopecia) and reduced hair quality. The mean duration of treatment was 7,9 +/- 2,8 months.

An obvious improvement of hair-loss was reported in 64%, and a slight improvement in 9%. Hair quality was clearly improved in 70% and slightly in 12%. Brittle finger nails as an additional complaint were improved in 80%.

If alopecia, decreased hair quality and brittle finger nails occurred in combination, improvement was observed frequently collectively.

The study allows - as already shown in a previous investigation concerning brittle finger nails - to suggest Biotin as an effective and well tolerated therapy in cases of alopecia and decreased hair quality.
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Oud 29 oktober 2003, 03:25   #15
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Geregistreerd: 30 maart 2002
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The effect of L-arginine on slow motility of mammalian outer hair cell.

Lin MJ, Su MC, Tan CT, Su CC, Li SY, Lin RH, Lin-Shiau SY, Hung CC, Lee SY.

Department of Life Sciences, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung City, Taiwan

The effect of L-arginine on the slow motility of mammalian cochlear outer hair cells was studied in this experiment. L-Arginine (3 mM) but not D-arginine (3 mM) or other amino acids (L-aspartate or L-glutamate) induced length increases of guinea pig outer hair cell. Similarly, the membrane-permeant cGMP analogues, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (1 mM) or 8-bromo-guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (1 mM) induced length increases of guinea pig outer hair cells. These length increases induced by L-arginine can be attenuated by a 30 min preincubation of the cells with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitors N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (3 mM) or 7-nitroindazole (1 mM). Comparing the effects of L-arginine and ionomycin on cell length and intracellular calcium change in outer hair cells, both L-arginine and ionomycin were able to induce the elongation of outer hair cells but L-arginine did not change the fluorescence intensity of Fluo-3. Preincubation of the cells with EGTA (3 mM) for 40 min to reduce the extracellular calcium concentration did not influence the effect of L-arginine. This experiment demonstrated that nitric oxide/cGMP pathway involvement in regulating the slow motility of mammalian outer hair cells cannot be ruled out. The effect of L-arginine is independent of extracellular calcium concentration.

PMID: 12684177 [PubMed - in process]
Zinc & B6 combo

Reversal of Hair Loss following Vertical Gastroplasty when Treated with zinc Sulphate.

Neve HJ, Bhatti WA, Soulsby C, Kincey J, Taylor TV.

Research Psychologist, Department of Clinical Psychology, Gaskell House, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13, UK.

BACKGROUND: Nutritional complications following surgery for morbid obesity include both vitamin and mineral deficiency. Severe cases of zinc deficiency can lead to alopecia, diarrhea, emotional disorders, weight loss, intercurrent infection, bullous-pustular dermatitis and hypogonadism in males. Hair loss may occur after vertical gastroplasty (VG). METHODS: Diffuse hair loss occurred in 47 out of 130 patients who underwent VG. All patients had been routinely advised to take a multivitamin supplement, but 47 developed hair loss despite taking the supplement. These patients were then prescribed zinc Sulphate 200 mg three times a day. There was no alteration in the vitamin supplementation.

<< RESULTS: Arrest of hair loss and regrowth occurred in all patients. However, five patients reported recurrence of hair loss after stopping zinc. This loss was reversed within 6 months of recommencing zinc 600 mg daily. >>

Ten control patients had no hair loss after gastrointestinal surgery. CONCLUSION: Significant hair loss occurred in about one-third of patients after VG, and was reversed by zinc supplementation.

PMID: 10731253 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Zink/B6 zie je dacht ik ook vaak als middel tegen acne.
ZMA is een supplement dat vaak door sporters gebruikt wordt, bevat dacht ik Zinc, Magnesium en B6 (of geen B6).

Br J Dermatol. 2003 Aug;149(2):354-62.

The effects of minoxidil, 1% pyrithione zinc and a combination of both on hair density: a randomized controlled trial.
Berger RS, Fu JL, Smiles KA, Turner CB, Schnell BM, Werchowski KM, Lammers KM.

Hill Top Research, Inc., East Brunswick, NJ, USA.

BACKGROUND: Recent studies of antidandruff shampoos or tonics containing antifungal or antibacterial agents produced effects suggestive of a potential hair growth benefit. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this 6-month, 200-patient, randomized, investigator-blinded, parallel-group clinical study was to assess the hair growth benefits of a 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo. The efficacy of a 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo (used daily), was compared with that of a 5% minoxidil topical solution (applied twice daily), a placebo shampoo and a combination of the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo and the 5% minoxidil topical solution. METHODS: Two hundred healthy men between the ages of 18 and 49 years (inclusive) exhibiting Hamilton-Norwood type III vertex or type IV baldness were enrolled. Total hair counts, the primary efficacy measure, were obtained using fibre-optic microscopy and a computer-assisted, manual hair count method. Secondary measures of efficacy included assessments of hair diameter, as well as patient and investigator global assessments of improvement in hair growth. These were based on photographs of the scalp using both midline and vertex views. RESULTS: Hair count results showed a significant (P < 0.05) net increase in total visible hair counts for the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo, the 5% minoxidil topical solution, and the combination treatment groups relative to the placebo shampoo after 9 weeks of treatment. The relative increase in hair count for the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo was slightly less than half that for the minoxidil topical solution and was essentially maintained throughout the 26-week treatment period. No advantage was seen in using both the 5% minoxidil topical solution and the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo. A small increase in hair diameter was observed for the minoxidil-containing treatment groups at week 17. Assessments of global improvements by the patients and investigator generally showed the benefit of 5% minoxidil. The benefit of the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo used alone tended (P < 0.1) to be apparent only to the investigator. CONCLUSIONS: Hair count results show a modest and sustained improvement in hair growth with daily use of a 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo over a 26-week treatment period.
pyridoxine is hetzelfde als vit B6. Weet niet of "pyrithione" daar ook mee te maken heeft.


US Patent 6136860
Applicant: Bio-Scientific Ltd., London, UK

An English biotech company was recently issued a US patent for the use of L-Lysine in the treatment of various types of hair loss, including androgenic alopecia. Following are excerpts from the patent itself.
"Studies involving the administration according to the present invention of L-lysine to those suffering from increased hair shedding show a remarkable increase in scalp hair growth."
"Typically, the L-lysine is administered in a daily dose of from 200 to 2000 mg, and more usually in a daily dose of 500 to 1500 mg, e.g. in the form of a 500 mg dose administered orally once, twice or three times a day. L-lysine may conveniently be administered orally, for example as tablets, capsules."
"We have also discovered that administration of lysine to patients results in a dramatic increase in the efficacy of known treatments for genetic hair loss (which term covers a number of conditions variously referred to as androgen-dependent alopecia, androgenic alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, common baldness, female baldness, diffuse hair loss and male pattern baldness)."
"Thus, in a further aspect of the present invention there is provided a kit including a plurality of separate containers, each containing at least one active agent useful in a combination therapy for the treatment of genetic hair loss, wherein said kit includes L-lysine and at least one further active agent selected from minoxidil, anti-androgens, 5.alpha.-reductase inhibitors, aromatase inhibitors."
"The co-administration of L-lysine with known treatments for genetic hair loss such as minoxidil and anti-androgens results in a significant improvement in the efficacy of the treatment."

De hierboven genoemde producten komen redelijk vaak voor op http://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/

Ik gebruik zelf Biotine (o.a. omdat ik er snel deficiency in krijg vanwege hoge dosis vit. B5 voor acne) en MSM (sinds vandaag).
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