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Alessandro 17 augustus 2004 15:27

Heeft iemand gehoord van een DHEA/Progesteron combinatie die heel effectief zou zijn? Het zou haarverlies stoppen en nieuwe haren hergroeien.
De progesterone is een sterke 5 a-reductase blokker. En de DHEA verhoogt de testosteronspiegel, en dat zou voor hergroei zorgen!
Een vrij radicale theorie, maar het is op zich niet uitgesloten dat er een kern van waarheid in zou zitten.

Boris 17 augustus 2004 16:04

wonderlijk verhaal , nog niet eerder van gehoord

kevin 17 augustus 2004 16:20

En in welke middelen moet deze combinatie van DHEA/Progesteron inzitten?

Alessandro 18 augustus 2004 00:55


En dan onderaan DHEA Pro (M) gel

kevin 18 augustus 2004 01:14

Als ik het zo lees schijnt het aardig goed te zijn en misschien wel beter voor hergroei te zorgen als de huidige middelen fina en duta. Proefpersoon iemand? :D

Haarmannetje 18 augustus 2004 01:27

Ik snap het niet meer hoor. Daar staat (in dat stuk) dat "excessive DHT" zorgt voor kaalheid, maar dat is volgens mij helemaal niet waar. Kaalheid wordt veroorzaakt door een gevoeligheid voor DHT en dan hoeft het DHT-gehalte helemaal niet (te) hoog te zijn. Ook vind ik het weer dubieus dat men het daar heeft over "unwanted DHT". Met alle respect, maar waarom is DHT zo unwanted? Het vervult echt wel meer functies, dan dat het doelloos in het bloed rondzwemt om onze haren aan te vallen.

Dergelijke berichten laten mij altijd bijzonder veel twijfelen aan de waarheid achter de claims.

pizzacat 18 augustus 2004 13:32

Klopt Haarmannetje, Veel mensen met AGA hebben een normale DHT spiegel, en het slikken van hormonen is vrij heavy, ik ga het iig niet proberen. misschien dat er ander vrijwilligers zijn.

Tiuri 3 november 2005 16:41

Hier staat een stuk over progesteron tegen AGA:
Progesterone is a compound that has high structural similarity
to testosterone; therefore, is able to utilize the same enzyme,
5a-R, and bind to the AR, acting both as an antiandrogen and
androgen inhibitor. Some progestins have inherent estrogenic
as well as androgenic effects. Although progesterone binds to
its own intracellular transcription receptor, it has affinity to
the AR (after 5a-R producing 5a-pregnane dione, similar to
DHT), which renders its ability to act as an androgen or
Progesterone is secreted by the ovary mainly from the
corpus luteum during the second half of the menstrual cycle,
which leads to the development of a secretory endometrium.
Progesterone is vital for the duration normal gestation
of pregnancy as well as developing mammary gland;
it also has a known thermogenic effect during the
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
Progesterone can be given either intramuscularly or orally,
and both routes are readily absorbed but at a rate that may
too rapid for optimal therapeutic efficiency. Inactivation takes
place largely in the liver. Many progestins are derivatized
glucuronide or sulfated for excretion in the urine. A small
amount can be stored in body fat. Many analogs
progesterone are less susceptible to hepatic metabolism
may be more effective in lasting therapeutically longer
progesterone. Approximately 50-60% of administered
radioactive progesterone appears in the urine and about 10%
in feces.
Most therapeutic indications for progesterone are
ovarian disorders and contraception. Off-label uses have
indicated variable effectiveness as a topical agent for treating
AGA at 2% concentrations. We have not found that topical
progesterone is of great value in the treatment of AGA.

En Dr Lee:

To answer your question: Why don't topicals work as well? It's for many reasons. One reason is that it doesn't stay in the skin long enough. That's the problem with progesterone. It's absorbed, metabolized, and carried away so quickly that it's not effective when it's applied topically.


Tiuri 8 mei 2008 16:21

Nieuw stuk over progesteron tegen AGA:



Nature has given progesterone to men and women alike to balance and offset the powerful effects of estrogen. Some of the most common concerns of aging women are weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, migraine and thinning hair. For other women, even more debilitating conditions such as cancer, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and osteoporosis now play a predominant role in their lives. As men age, complaints of weight gain, reduced libido, hair loss and prostate enlargement top their list of health concerns. Many endocrinologists and scientists are becoming more aware of a common link between these symptoms and conditions. That common link is often an imbalance between two sex hormones, progesterone and estrogen.

Progesterone has a multitude of effects throughout the body, many of which may be attributable to its ability to oppose the action of estrogen. Multiple physical and psychological problems for both women and men at midlife are often caused by an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen. The term “estrogen dominance” describes the condition of lacking sufficient progesterone to counteract the effects of estrogen. Although estrogen dominance often results from extremely high levels of estrogen, this condition also may be caused by normal levels of estrogen and relatively low levels of progesterone,

Estrogen levels may be elevated by a number of external influences. Xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens) are among a group of chemicals known to alter hormone levels. Environmental pesticides, including those found on commercially grown fruits and vegetables, are perhaps the primary source of xenoestrogens. Cosmetics, shampoo, and plastics also may contribute to the accumulation of these foreign estrogens.


§ Anxiety
§ Irritability
§ Hypersensitivity
§ Nervousness
§ Restless sleep
§ Headaches/migraines
§ Abdominal fat accumulation
§ Thinning hair
§ Breast enlargement/tenderness
§ Decreased libido
§ Heavy periods

Progesterone and Men

Typically thought of as a female hormone, it appears probable that progesterone can be a tool in hormone modulation and hair loss treatment in men. Progesterone is manufactured in men by the adrenal glands and testes. Just as estrogen dominance can severely affect the quality of life and raise the cancer risk for women, excess estrogen can be equally detrimental to men. Elevated systemic estrogen in men has been associated with gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men), decreased sexual function, weight gain, Androgenetic alopecia and prostate enlargement.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia and Male Pattern Hair Loss seems to be related to the elevated serum levels of and sustained exposure of the prostate gland to the strong androgen dihydrotestosterone and possibly to estrogens. In fact, the late Dr. John R. Lee, considered a pioneer in natural progesterone therapy, believed that excessive exposure to estrogen was a primary cause of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. In addition to counterbalancing the negative aspects of estrogen, progesterone also inhibits 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.


Transdermal Progesterone replacement,due to its multiple mechanisms, may be one of the most health promoting hormone modulating treatments to date, particularly for men over 35. Unlike finasteride, (Propecia), and Avodart, which while reducing DHT, can aggravate estrogen dominance, Progesterone can counter DHT while increasing libido and reducing bodyfat, which are well documented problematic side effects with Propecia and Avodart The fact that transdermal Progesterone replacement addresses both Estrogen Dominance and DHT likely makes it a useful adjunct for anyone with MPB, especially middle aged males. Transdermal Progesterone Replacement has NO feminizing effects in men whatsoever, and would be better described as de-feminizing. One could theoretically use Progesterone cream in conjunction with Propecia/Avodart to further reduce DHT and potentially reduce side effects, however there are no published data by which to evaluate this interaction.

thermaltaker 10 mei 2008 16:08

Klinkt goed Tiuri. Het zou niet de 'feminizing' bijwerkingen hebben van Fina/duta, en alsnog 5-alpha-reductase onderdrukken; Dit alles naast het opheffen van de imbalance van oestrogeen en progesterone, wat de vele nadelige effecten van oestrogeen dominantie zou voorkomen.

Zoevo 20 juni 2009 18:16


Progesterone Creams

Progesterone is a female sex hormone that also declines after menopause. Medical science accepts that menopausal symptoms are due to falling oestrogen levels, but some people believe that an incorrect ratio of progesterone to oestrogen is the culprit. To date, there is no medical evidence to support the theory that supplementing the body's progesterone levels with progesterone creams, pessaries or suppositories can ease menopause symptoms or reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The main use of progesterone is to protect the lining of the uterus in women using oestrogen. Progesterone products are now available on prescription only.

Las nog iemand op HLH dat hij/zij er veel goeds van had. Enige probleem is dat hij bang was voor de lange termijn problemen.

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